Friday, May 23, 2008

Getting Ready for the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ

A setting of Cesar Franke's "Panis Angelicus" sung by the St. Phillip's Boys Choir of Norbuck, UK. Soloists are Jaymi Bandtok and Sam Harper.

For Catholics of a certain generation, this song was in the "Liturgical Top-Ten" of Eucharistic Songs.

This Weekend's Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ ia a wonderful reminder for all of us of the gift of the Eucharist that Jesus has given to the Church.

There is much current debate about who should preside at the celebration of the Eucharistic celebration, but the Church's belief about the centrality of the Eucharist in the life of parishes and local churches is never questioned. This weekend, may we all come to better appreciate the gift in our midst.

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