Tuesday, January 19, 2010

NPM Board Meeting

Tonight we had a good meeting of the Board for NPM Trenton, the organizaton for clergy and church pastoral musicians. Mike Zorner, our parish's Director of Music, and I joined a very interesting group of talented musicians from all over the Trenton diocese. As I was reflecting on the people at the meeting, and the many hours of service that they regularly give to the vibrant worship-life of the diocese, I was very moved with a great sense of thanksgiving and admiration.

We're planning several different musical events for the upcoming year, designed to help parish musicians grow in their skills, and to promote vibrant worship experiences all over the diocese. Also, we're preparing for the national NPM Convention, to be held in Detroit, Michigan this July. I hope to be able to go to the national convention, and I look forward to learning more about the upcoming new Roman Missal.

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