Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thanks Deacon Hank!

This past weekend, our parish had our annual Mission Appeal. Our guest speaker/homilist was Deacon Hank Babin from the Diocese of Jackson, Mississippi. Hank spoke very beautifully of the needs of the rural diocese of Jackson, and asked us to remember that we are all linked, that we're all "in the same boat." Thanks to your generosity, we are able to send over $3,000 to aid the Diocese of Jackson.

Thanks to your wonderful care and concern, Deacon Hank left here very impressed by your generosity and hospitality, and your many efforts to reach out to the needy.

Thanks to your generosity, we have sent much-needed aid to that diocese which is struggling to meet the costs of training new priests, deacons and lay ministers. Thank you very much!

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