Friday, September 11, 2009

Led by the our county!

This past evening, we had a great meeting up at St. John Vianney High School for parish leaders from all over Monmouth County. Mrs. Terry Ginther, Director of the Office of Pastoral Planning for the diocese, hosted the meeting of clergy and lay leaders of parishes from throughout the county. After a beautiful presentation and overview of the diocesan pastoral plan, "Led by the Spirit" we broke out into "interest groups" to sample the process we will take back to our parishes, to help each parish develop a pastoral plan for the future.

I went to the breakout group for youth and young adult ministries. Matt, our diocesan director for the office of youth and young adults, ably led us through the process of reflecting on the meaning of the goal from the Pastoral Plan which focuses on youth and young adult ministry. For me, it was a very good exercise in visioning, collaboration, and cooperation between the diocesan offices, and the parish leadership, and the clergy!

Hats off to Terry Ginther and the rest of the diocsean staffers who helped to present at this evening's first "workshop" on the new Pastoral Plan. I hope all parishes in the diocese attend one of these workshops, so that we can all move into the future to build up the Church in our Diocese and beyond!

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